It seems like there was some controversy on the last show over the "winner", a confirmed bad girl named Vienna. It is probably because those women who followed the show closely wondered why the bachelor, an airline pilot, a self-obsessed guy who is not particularly attractive, picked Vienna.
Anyway what came later did not surprise me when I saw a CNN article saying they split up.
Here is the interesting thing. When they fist got together they were just gaga over each other, with her giggling over how he prepared for her a hot bath every night and whispered sweet words into her ears. To most people, they were the perfect couple and their love should last forever.
It is worthwhile to Google about the show to see their initial statements because they are overblown and despite this, a lot of people choose to believe about their "mutual attraction".
How could it go wrong so fast to become another sad sexy story? The answer is - he may be able to create initial attraction mostly based on the set up of the show, but he is not able to sustain his attraction.
Initial attraction has nothing to do with sustaining attraction except for the fact it must exist first. However as time goes on, how you feel in the beginning has no bearing on how you feel in the future.
Initial attraction fades and what is left is what is most important. That is why right from the beginning; a guy has to choose the right woman that is suitable for him in order to have a long-lasting relationship.
How to judge if he/she is suitable for you? Here are some tips on how to judge a person's character before getting involved with them.
(1) Look at who they befriend with
You need to know who their friends are. You can judge a person's character by looking at their choice of friends. Just as the saying goes - Birds of the same feather flock together!
(2) Check out about their past actions
Very often you can judge a person by looking at their past history. A person who has gone through a dozen ex-girlfriends or boyfriends is not going to stick around with you for the long haul.
(3) Look at what they did and not what they said
Actions speak louder than words. Do not get fooled by the victim stories that people with character problems always invent for themselves. Guys, do not believe all four of her ex-husbands were abusive jerks. Ladies, do not just believe he is "trying" to stop his bad habits. Look for lies or exaggerations. See if their stories match up.
(4) Look at how they treat people who are no longer useful to them
People with bad character tend to be self-centered. They will treat you like a God when they want to get certain benefit from you, but as soon as you have no more use for them, they will start treating you like used tissue paper. Therefore rather than judging a person based on how they treat you when you have something they want from you, judge them based on how they treat people that are not so useful to them.
(5) See if they have any vices or addictions
Look for addictions to alcohol, drugs, gambling and prostitution. Many people with character problems have one kind of dependency or another.
(6) Observe their attitude towards life
Look at how the person looks at the world. See if they like to blame others for their problems instead of taking responsibilities for their own actions. See if they are so negative that they resent everything and everyone around them. If this is the case, stay away from these people.
(7) See whether their actions match their beliefs
This is quite similar to point number 3. Looking at a person's beliefs is not enough. You need to see whether their actions match their beliefs. Their actions represent their true colors.
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